
Version 1.2.0

May 5, 2020

- improved: In addition to HTML files, this theme now comes with Pug file sources, 
    and changes in the Gulp workflow. 
    Pug compilation is now the recommended way of work with this theme. Pug sources 
    use includes and mixins for avoid repetitive code (navbar, footer, cards).
    If you change the navbar, the change will be effective in all your pages, 
    unlike when developing with HTML, where you would need to do all the changes in every file. 

    * pages folder now renamed to html
    * to run previously default `gulp` command, use `gulp dev-html`
    * `gulp build` and `gulp build-html` now compile everything into `build` folder,
        previously `dist`
- fixed: Display issues in cart sidebar
Version 1.1.0

December 12, 2019

- New pages:  Homepage 3 - Design, Homepage 4 - Design, About, About 2, Multi-step checkout, Category - Masonry layout, 
    Customer pages (Login, Account, Addresses, Orders, Order detail, Order tracking), FAQ, Privacy policy
- Improved:  - Added more icons to Orion Icons SVG sprite
- Improved:  - More topics in the components documentation
- Fixed:  - fixed build task in gulpfile.js
- Updated:  - Bootstrap (4.4.1 - affects scss/bootstrap and stylesheets), 
    Bootstrap Select (1.13.12 - affects pages/vendor/bootstrap-select), 
    Swiper (5.2.1 pages/vendor/swiper)
Version 1.0.0

July 25, 2019

- Initial release